Sunday, June 12, 2011

My Story

              This is my story of life. My name is Jessica. I'm originally from Southern California. I lived there for the first 25 years of life. I met my husband Red in Costa Mesa, California. He is originally from Wilmington NC. We dated for 11 months before we packed up our lives in moved to Wilmington NC. It was the BEST decision I've ever made. Although, leaving my family and friends behind was hard I was sooo excited to start a new chapter in my life. Red promised me that all my dreams would come true!

                 In the last 5 years we have accomplished so many things. We have bought a house. We have bought cars. We got married on October 11, 2008 in beautiful Las Vegas NV with our family and friends. Life consisted of working, hanging out with friends, playing in the yard etc. For the 1st year of our marriage we started trying to have a baby right off the bat. I couldn't WAIT to be a mother. Its all I ever dreamed of. Being a stay at home mom. Luckily Red wanted the same thing in life. He was excited to take care of his family. He's a GREAT MAN! Little did we know that it was gonna be a LONG year!

                  To make a long story short. We tried and tried and tried again every single month to get pregnant. We counted the days I should have been ovulating we tried to do "every thing right". Nothing worked. It become depressing at times. So I said after 1 year of healthy trying that if it didn't happen I would go to a specialist. HOWEVER..... who would have thought?! On the 13 month of trying to have a baby I was PREGNANT!! Yay for me! I would have never guessed that once we stopped trying so hard and just had a healthy marriage I would have gotten pregnant. Sooo HaPpY!! Being pregnant was the best gift a women can cherish. It was amazing!

                    Pregnancy was at times bittersweet. Your sooo happy to be caring a child. But then comes the news that I was a high risk pregnancy. I had Gestational Diabetes. In the grand skeem of things it was a easy fix. NO SWEETS! :(  I couldn't believe that they were telling me I couldn't eat them. I had to prick my fingers 4 times and day and log all my blood sugar levels. Even though it was a pain at time I knew it what was best for my baby girl. So it was kinda easy for me. I'm lucky enough to have no other complications except for the diabetes and the specialist always telling me I have a huge baby growin in me. A 10 pounder! AHHH! They said no vaginal birth. Must be a c-section. Which I was completely fine with actually. So we picked a date to have our girl. July 23, 2010 was the day that I realized life would NEVER be the same! But it was the life I wanted so bad! I was ready!! very very READY! :)

                     Madelyn Grace Broadhurst arrived at 2:16pm on July 23rd. She was BEAUTIFUL! Weigh in in at 9.2 pounds. 21 inches long with the longest blackest hair you ever saw. She looked exactly like me when I was fresh. The next 3 days in the hospital were great. We couldn't believe our angel was here. The feeling of parenthood is something I hope everyone can enjoy. Its indescribable at times. We were ready to take her home and ride the roller coaster of parenthood. As I write this blog now Madelyn is almost 11 months old. I seriously can't believe how fast its gone by. :( Watching this lil person evolve right in front of my eyes will be AmAzInG! I love love love her! soooo MUCH!

                      The last year has been wonderful. Not always easy by all means. Luckily we haven't had to experience a cold or sick baby yet. THANK GOD! Guess it helps we stay home alot?! The most recent thing I'm having to overcome as a mommy is that my lil baby is turning into a BIG GIRL. Its crazy how much a child has to learn in the first year. It was easy peasy when all they need is formula, diaper changing and sleep. Of course, now shes on the go! GO GO GO is all she does. She's walking all over the place (with assistance of the furniture) and eating adult food (in lil pieces of course). She loves loves food. That girl takes after her momma! hahaha! But I'm so scared of her choking that I think I hold back alot of yummy stuff. oh well... I guess I will learn to trust her in the chewing dept. Another thing I cant believe is I'm planning her 1st bday party. Its actually being kinda stressful. I want it to be perfect. look perfect. and of course I'm hoping all of our friends and family will be there to share the moment with us. Soooo I need some "good luck" :) Next time I check in hopefully I will tell you the bday party planning is done! Here's a quick look at how the last year of Madelyn life has progressed.... hope yall think she as cute as we do?!! :)



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